當地時間2024年6月25日下午——由液空厚普設計、采購和集成的新加坡第一座加氫站在Pasir Panjang碼頭舉行了隆重的開業儀式,并正式投入運營。
On the afternoon of June 25, 2024 (local time), the first hydrogen refueling station in Singapore, designed, procured, and integrated by Air Liquide Houpu, held a grand opening ceremony at Pasir Panjang Terminal and officially commenced operations.
據悉,該項目由液化空氣集團與新加坡港務集團、新加坡南洋理工大學和千代田公司聯合合作,得到了新加坡政府啟動的低碳能源研究資助計劃 (LCER FI) 的資助,旨在支持低碳能源技術解決方案的研究、開發和示范項目。項目的成功實施將大幅提升新加坡的氫氣供應鏈網絡,并助力該國實現脫碳目標。
It is reported that the project is a collaboration between Air Liquide, the Port of Singapore Authority, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, and Chiyoda Corporation, and has received funding from the Singapore government's Low Carbon Energy Research Funding Initiative (LCER FI). This initiative aims to support the research, development, and demonstration of low-carbon energy technology solutions. The successful implementation of the project will significantly enhance Singapore's hydrogen supply chain network and contribute to the country's decarbonization goals.
Air Liquide Houpu customized the design and integration of the hydrogen refueling station according to customer requirements. The station features a modular design, high reliability, and easy maintenance. It is also equipped with the refueling protocol developed by Air Liquide to ensure efficient and safe refueling.
The successful commissioning of Air Liquide Houpu's first hydrogen refueling station in Singapore marks another significant breakthrough in the global hydrogen infrastructure sector and provides strong support for Singapore's low-carbon energy development.
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